
I Believe in Heaven is a book project we've contracted with Regal Books for a spring 2013 release.

The Home page of this site mentions the three types of stories we desire.

Do you have a story to tell but aren't comfortable with writing it yourself? Email us the details. If we believe your story has potential for this book, we will contact you for more information and will write the story for you.

Submission Guidelines:

Deadline for stories is November 20, 2012.

All entries must be double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, ragged right margin, in a Word document.

Put your name, address, phone number, and email in the upper left-hand corner.

We want stories of no more than 1,000 words. We will not consider longer pieces.

We'll include your name with your story. If you want to use someone else's story, get written permission, write it in first person, and we'll credit both of you. We'll include a brief bio of all writers.

You may send an original or a reprint. (If a reprint, tell us where it was published and assure us that you own the reprint rights.)

If we select your story, you'll receive five copies of the book and retain reprint rights. We'll offer additional copies of the book to you at a discounted price.

If your story makes the preliminary cut, we'll notify you by January 31, 2013. The senior editor at Regal Books will make final decisions for inclusion in the book.